West Newton Chute

West Newton Chute

Boat Launch
Carry-in Launch
Boat Dock
Species in West Newton Chute
Smallmouth bass
Smallmouth bass

West Newton Chute Overview

West Newton Chute Features

All types of waterfowl make use of the vast shallow weed beds. The Weaver Bottoms is a heavily used hunting area for migratory birds during the fall. During the spring and fall in this area the angler can see an amazing array of waterfowl from blue herons to migrating tundra swans among the lily-pad fields. No highway bridges cross over the river in this pool. The nearest crossings are at Wabasha, Minnesota and Winona, Minnesota. Anglers can find tow major park facilities adjacent to the pool such as John Latsch State Park in Minnesota and Buena Vista Park in Wisconsin. 5a is the shortest pool in the Upper Mississippi River in mile length. No highway bridges cross this pool with the nearest being at Winona. Merrick State Park is north of fountain City on Highway 35.
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Fish Species

No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Smallmouth bass
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data