Black Lake

Black Lake

Boat Launch
Carry-in Launch
Boat Dock
Species in Black Lake
Largemouth bass
Largemouth bass
Northern pike
Northern pike

Black Lake Overview

Black Lake Features

Vermilion Lake is ranked as one of the state's premier fisheries with the focus on walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass, perch and bluegill. The lake has received regional attention for its walleye and smallmouth bass fishery. Recently, the success of a muskie stocking program (Leech Lake strain) has added to the lake's reputation. However, Vermilion is not thought of as a popular ice fishing destination, due largely to the heavy annual snowfall and resulting slush conditions. The ice fishing that occurs is directed at walleye.The Vermilion Sportsmans Club has placed a number of red and green buoys to indicate a safe navigation channel. Flashing yellow lights have been strategically placed for night navigation.Hazard buoys are placed near shallow reefs and danger areas and are identified with a letter and number. The letter C indicates the Cook end of the lake and T the Tower end. By noticing the number of the hazard buoy and using a compass or GPS, navigation becomes a simple matter. Use caution when approaching hazard buoys because wind and wave action may have moved them from their original position.Two shore lunch facilities are maintained on Vermilion, sponsored by the Vermilion Sportsmans Club and the National Forest Service. Signs are posted on the shoreline.Lake Vermilion is in the Superior National Forest. In addition, the Kabetogama and Sturgeon River state forests border the west and south shores.The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources operates a spawn-taking station at the Pine River inlet. Eggs from this operation supply walleye for stocking in other Minnesota lakes with a percentage returned as fingerling to Lake Vermilion.A volunteer catch-and-release program is sponsored by the Vermilion Sportsmans Club and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The program encourages the release of walleye greater than 17 inches.
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Fish Species

No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Largemouth bass
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Northern pike
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data