Lake Onalaska

Lake Onalaska

Boat Launch
Carry-in Launch
Boat Dock
Species in Lake Onalaska
Largemouth bass
Largemouth bass
Northern pike
Northern pike
Smallmouth bass
Smallmouth bass

Lake Onalaska Overview

Lake Onalaska Features

Pool 7’s recreational use is among one of the highest of the Upper Mississippi River Pools. The dominant feature of this area is Lake Onalaska, famous throughout the Midwest for its fishing, boating and waterfowl hunting resources. The lake is a large 7,700 acres of backwater with a divers population of fish and waterfowl. The nearest bridge crossing, I-90 is immediately downstream of Lock and Dam 7. Approximately 65% of Pool 7 is classified as backwater.
Waterbody poster background


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Fish Species

No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Largemouth bass
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Northern pike
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
Smallmouth bass
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data
No survey data
Abundance (CPUE)
No survey data
Understanding Abundance

Abundance ratings are based on Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) measurements conducted by the MN DNR, and represent a snapshot of a species population at a given point in time.

Source: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Survey cadence may vary by state and water body.
Species Lengths
No Survey Data