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Land Ownership Maps

Landowner details, parcel viewer, and property lines at your fingertips.

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Locate Property Lines and View Landowner Information

Knowing who owns the land you stand on is invaluable. With the onX Hunt App, you can see property boundaries and landowner information throughout the United States and, in Canada, you can view property lines where available. Know where you stand—and where you can and cannot hunt—with the Hunt App.

Land Ownership Maps Breakdown

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View Property Lines

Understand where you can and can’t hunt, and be certain about where you are standing in relation to nearby property lines so you remain legal. It’s easy to view boundary lines between public and private land with onX Hunt, so you can be certain when that buck you’re watching is indeed on shootable land. Pulling data from over 3,100 counties in the U.S., our in-house team builds accurate maps that include boundary lines and private landowner information.

Get Landowner Information

See landowner name, tax address, property coordinates, acreage, and more, right in the Hunt App. This information makes it easy to understand if land is publicly or privately owned and—if private—who you should contact for permission to hunt. If an animal you shoot on public land crosses on to private, simply look up the landowner’s information so you know who to ask for recovery permissions.

Understand Public Access to Private Lands

Expand your horizons by finding more huntable land. The onX Hunt App comes with a Possible Access Layer, in addition to state-specific layers showing private land available to the public during certain hunting seasons. Possible Access properties are private lands owned by timber companies, non-governmental organizations, and other private entities that may allow public access for hunting. (Make sure to contact the landowner for permission before you visit.)

Manage Parcel-Specific Map Content

Every hunter understands that knowing the lay of the land—and being able to use it to our advantage—is part of the battle. Use Map Markups in the onX Hunt App to add, view, and manage details specific to a certain parcel of land. Add Waypoints, Tracks, Lines, and more to help remember certain land features, access points, stand locations and more, helping ensure a smooth plan of operation on the day of your hunt.

Everybody talks about how onX Hunt helps you figure out places to hunt, but I think it’s equally important to find out where you can’t hunt. onX keeps you in the clear and lets you focus on what you’re doing, and what you should be doing, which is hunting.

-Steven Rinella, Meateater

Know Where You Stand

Understand public / private land boundaries, land ownership, and more with onX Hunt.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find who owns the land around me?

The onX Hunt App can help you discover who owns a property by showing private property lines and landowner information. Simply select any land parcel to view the landowner’s name and tax address.

How do I find private land to hunt?

onX Hunt’s state-by-state Private Lands Map Layers help you find private land to hunt by displaying property lines and landowner information. Learn how to ask a landowner for permission to hunt private land.

Is there an app that identifies land ownership and shows property lines?

The onX Hunt App can help you evaluate public and private property lines by showcasing this data on a Satellite, Topo, or Hybrid map. Learn more about how to find property lines.

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