Hunting Forecast:
Wind and Weather

Get hunting weather forecasts, wind conditions, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, and more for any location.

Stay Ahead of the Elements With Hunting Forecasts

Enjoy live weather reports, weather forecasts, wind direction, sunrise and sunset times and barometric pressure, all curated within the onX Hunt App. Use weather and wind data to better predict animal movements and plan stand locations, stay safe from foul weather, stay on top of legal shooting times, and ensure you pack the right gear for the day.

Hunting Forecasts Breakdown

Hunting Weather Forecasts

Get current and forecasted weather conditions for any location. Understand sunrise and sunset times, barometric pressure, precipitation, and moon phases to prep for your next hunt or make in-field pivots based on changing weather patterns. Easily view weather at any point on the map, or tap a Waypoint to quickly reference current and future conditions at that location.

Wind Calendars

View Wind Direction, set Optimal Wind Conditions, and view the wind direction forecast at the location of any Waypoint on your map. Turn on the Wind Calendar to view the forecasted wind speed and direction at the location of your Waypoints that have Wind Direction turned on. The Wind Calendar shows the wind forecast for the next week. Knowing upcoming wind patterns helps you plan your approach to the day’s hunt.

Optimal Wind Monitoring

Use the Optimal Wind Direction capability in onX Hunt to indicate the ideal wind direction for any point on your map, allowing you to visualize with a quick glance if the wind direction is in your favor. Understanding optimal wind allows you to make the right call on which tree stand to use on a given day, which direction to stalk from, and so much more.

Wind Comparisons

Compare wind forecasts at multiple different Waypoints in a central location with the Wind Comparisons Tool. This quick side-by-side allows you to easily review all your options at a glance and efficiently make a decision for the day based on wind conditions at various points. Whether you’re sitting or stalking, wind plays a factor, and knowing all your options can make or break a day.

Being able to predict weather and wind down to the hour when I’m whitetail hunting is huge. I have moon times and hourly pressure changes as well as wind direction and speed right at my fingertips through the App. I’m always looking for things that give me that little bit of edge when it comes to odds on mature bucks, and this has become a huge part of that on a daily basis!

– Randy Birdsong, Headhunters TV

Success Favors the Prepared

Put the odds in your favor with Wind and Weather condition information.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the onX Hunt App weather and hunting forecast reporting the conditions for my current location?

Unlike traditional weather reports that base weather reports on zip codes or nearest cities, onX delivers weather updates from the closest weather station to your location or any point on the map. Whether you need to understand wind and weather forecasts for your current location or where you plan to hunt in the days ahead, onX Hunt provides the accuracy you need.

How current is the Weather information on the onX Hunt App?

onX looks for weather updates from the nearest weather station every 15 minutes.

How do I use the Weather feature in onX Hunt to improve my chance of success on my hunt?

Hunters rely on wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, and precipitation for planning and executing a hunt. Knowing how wind direction might change by the hour, or if barometric pressure is rising or falling, or if rain will worsen or turn into a drizzle helps a hunter pick the best hunting spots, pack the right gear, and make in-the-moment adjustments to their tactics based on current and forecasted weather conditions.

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