A hunter setting up on a turkey during a turkey hunt

onX Hunt Elite Mossy Oak Turkey Academy
Chapter 4 – Setup Tactics


So often in the turkey woods, your setup will make or break your hunt. We share our insights and offer a few tried-and-true tips to help you turn more close encounters into turkey on the table. 

The Mossy Oak crew digs into details that can be overlooked when you’re working a hot gobbler in the heat of the moment. You’ll learn how to better predict a turkey’s path toward you, how to use natural elements like shade to your advantage, and partner-calling tactics to get more birds in gun range.


The way you set up on a turkey can be the deciding factor in whether you get a shot opportunity. The in-depth knowledge shared in this chapter will help you make the right setup selections on your hunts. We discuss:

  1. Cover, Noise, and Camo.
  2. High Ground, Getting Comfortable, and the Call-Through Method.