onX Grant Program Celebrates 150 Miles of Trails And 150,000 Acres of Improved Access

Surpassed Goal: 150 Miles And 150,000 Acres

A few years ago, we set the goal of preserving and restoring 150 miles of trails and 150,000 acres of improved access. We’re happy to say that with your help and support, we’ve done it!

Improved Access: By The Numbers

Where It All Began

2009: onX Founded

Our origins are rooted in discovery, in seeking wild places on the map, and accurately navigating the patchwork of land ownership. Knowing where you stand is as important as knowing you’re allowed to stand there.

2018: onX Grant Program Established
What We Care About

We began our grant program to help secure legal access and facilitate stewardship of areas being over-loved. Our grants are awarded to grassroots clubs, national nonprofits, and everything in between. We’re inspired by the dedicated humans who are working full-time and as volunteers to improve outdoor recreation in their communities.

Present Day
How We Work With Our Grant Recipients

We go deep with these partners to not only dole out some cash, but showcase their story, and often, the story of the place they’re working to preserve. These projects are in communities near you, in cities needing green space, and way out there in the backcountry.

What do you care about most? We want to know.

We’ve built a framework of giving, one that honors our values, the land we recreate on, and the people in our community. Access and Stewardship means something to us, but we want to know what it means to you. What do you care about? Share a little about your values with the form below.

We’ll send a Protect Our Lands T-shirt to the first 100 survey participants. Additionally, everyone who participates will be entered into a grand prize giveaway.

Join Us on This Journey

In 2024, we’re committed to continuing our work to open recreational access, improve the access we have, and promote good ethos in everyone, so our lands are healthy and our recreational pursuits are top-notch. Stay in the know by following our Access Page for updates about our nonprofit partners, stories from the field, and how you may be able to get involved in upcoming projects.