Our Backyard, Our Responsibility
At onX, our roots are steeped in the practice of connecting people with access to their public lands. Something we’ve learned along the way is that, yes, connecting people to experiences in the outdoors is powerful, however that comes with a responsibility to be stewards of the places we love. No matter if you’re just discovering public lands, or have spent your entire life defending them—National Public Lands Day is a way to celebrate our shared backyard. You can do this by finding a national seashore to go off-roading, a new ridgeline to scout for elk, or waterfall hike to explore. Hopefully, you’ll find what you’re looking for—game, solace, a workout, or any of the other countless gifts public lands give us.
onX Celebrates National Public Lands Day
Whether you ski, hunt, ride, hike, forage, or frolic, public lands anchor our experiences in the outdoors. Watch onX Ambassadors reflect on what public lands have given them.
Access is Everything in Hunting
And for the discipline of hunting to be passed down for generations to come, we need to be the community that stands up as stewards of land and wildlife.
Wheel Right Up to the Problem
The Public Lands Stewards of Bend have taken nearly 200,000 pounds of trash out of our backyard in the last seven months.
Public Lands Have Given Us Everything
From careers, to a place to mourn, to simply a landscape to play—onX Backcountry Ambassadors have received countless gifts from these places.

The onX Team Gives Back
onX employees utilized Volunteer Time Off for various land stewardship projects around the country in September to celebrate NPLD. Our team hauled out dozens of bags of trash, pulled invasive weeds, cleaned waterways, and built fences to reduce foot traffic off-trail. Read the full story of our collective staff efforts in September of 2022.

Get Out There
Join onX in celebrating public lands by giving back with your time, money, or talents. Here are some links to help get you started.

Donate to Our Favorite Non Profits

What and Where Are Public Lands?
However you recreate, public lands benefit all of us. Find a parcel in your neck of the woods using onX.
Bureau of Land Management
Includes roughly 245 million acres constituting about 10% of land in the entire country. BLM land is managed for multiple uses including energy production, timber harvesting, and outdoor recreation.
U.S. Forest Service
This agency owns 193 million acres which, for scale, is about the size of Texas and South Carolina combined.
National Park Service
84 million acres principally used for conservation, visitation, and recreation.
U.S. Fish And Wildlife Services
The USFWS manages 95 million acres of surface land plus over 760 million acres of submerged lands and waters. There is a USFWS-designated parcel in each of the 50 states.
State Lands
About 8% of the country’s surface land is owned by individual states and is often leased for a range of purposes.
Municipal Lands, County Parks, and Open Spaces
The backyard recreation zone for most of us, these make great places for after-work adventures and opportunities to stay close to home while being outside.

Stewardship And Access
At onX, outdoor adventure is part of our DNA. We invest in projects that restore over-loved public lands and projects that expand access. Learn more about onX’s efforts to secure access and promote stewardship