onX Parcel Coverage
The onX parcel coverage map does not guarantee that counties with private parcel boundaries will also include landowner names and tax addresses, though in most cases this information will be included. Due to differing state regulations and availability of data, we currently do not have complete coverage for every state and county. However, if a state or county makes the parcel data available, we make every effort to include it in future updates.
Land Ownership Coverage
Our parcel coverage map lets you know at a glance which states and counties we have private land owner data for in our products. Due to differing state regulations and availability of data, we currently do not have complete coverage for every state and county. However, if a state or county makes the parcel data available, we make every effort to include it in future updates.
Note: The purpose of this map is to depict private land parcel coverage. Public land and other map layer coverage is statewide. Please note that there may be parts of some counties that do not have coverage or have unknown private landowner names.