Use our newest feature to further enrich your customizable Waypoints and share better information with your friends.
In a constant effort to improve the quality of map content within the onX Hunt App, we recently released the ability to add photos to your Waypoints. Combined with customizable icons and colors as well as the ability to take detailed notes within each shareable Waypoint, this new feature elevates the usefulness of Waypoints as a tool while in the field and scouting from home. Your photos stay private until and unless you decide to share them with a friend.

Adding a photo to a Waypoint is quick and intuitive. Simply tap on a Waypoint, tap the three dots to open the Waypoint menu, and tap “Add Photo”. From there, you’ll be prompted to either take a new photo or select one from your existing library. That’s it. The only question left is how to use Photo Waypoints in the best way possible for your needs.
If you’re an Eastern whitetail hunter, upload your game camera photos to their corresponding Waypoints to help visualize how the deer are moving on the landscape. Snap a photo of your tree stand before sharing the Waypoint with your friends—they’ll appreciate the extra, visual information when they’re trying to locate the stand.

In the West, we’ve found Photo Waypoints useful for everything from marking the locations of glassing knobs and spotted elk to sending a harvest photo to a friend who was kind enough to share a good hunting spot. Some of us here in the onX office are using Photo Waypoints as a personal photo album that reminds us exactly where memorable events happened and enriches the stories we tell.

Now, it’s up to you. Make sure your onX Hunt App is up-to-date, and try out the new Photo Waypoint feature. Once you’ve added a photo, share a Waypoint with your friends to brag on a recent harvest or point them in the right direction for their next hunt.