Keeping key items in your truck this hunting season can make for a safer and more comfortable hunt.
Hunters are often planners. We spend the months leading up to the season e-scouting, applying for tags in carefully chosen units, and formulating a plan for the day we put boots on the ground, bow or rifle in hand. Planning for the next hunting season begins as soon as the current season ends, and we daydream of what next year might throw our way. We obsess over gear, perfecting our kits until we’re satisfied we have all the essential hunting gear ready to help us put meat in the fridge.
One thing, however, that’s easy to overlook is stocking our trucks (or whatever rig you favor) for the hunting season. Many hunters keep basic emergency supplies in their trucks year-round, but it’s worth taking inventory before hunting season. What did you use and need to replace? Did those energy bars expire (or, more likely, all get eaten)? What about the medicines in your first aid kit? Give your gear a look-through and see what needs to be refreshed or replaced.
In this article, we examine the 10 basics you should keep in your truck and we highlight 18 other “nice-to-haves” onX team members like to have handy.

Hunting Truck Essentials
1. Spare Water
Keep a few jugs filled with water in your truck. If you live in a cold climate, leave a few inches at the top so the water can expand if it freezes (and not break your container). From being able to rinse hands off after quartering meat to having water on hand in arid areas without natural water resources you can treat, extra water is a basic supply.
2. Energy Bars/High-Calorie Foods
Sometimes, plans change. It’s a lot easier to extend your hunt when you need to if you have food reserves in tow. Stock your rig with a handful of energy bars, nut butter packets, jerky, trail mix, and other high-calorie, shelf-stable hunting snacks. Dehydrated meals and a camp stove aren’t a bad combination to keep around, either. With extra food supplies, you’ll be prepared for any mishaps a hunt throws your way.

3. Charged Spare Headlamp and/or Flashlight
Many hunting seasons happen around the time the sun starts sinking into the horizon earlier in the day. When the lights go out around 5 p.m., it’s imperative to have a quality light source close at hand—as well as a backup. Cold temperatures sap batteries quite quickly, so pack an extra headlamp or flashlight, and ensure it’s charged and ready to go.
4. Vehicle Recovery Equipment
We hunt in the mud. We hunt in the rain. We hunt in the snow. Hunts often take us far from nice, flat pavement, and we travel in all kinds of weather. Pack vehicle maintenance basics in case you get stuck (or need to help a friend whose rig is stuck) or wind up with a dead battery. Rope or tow straps, tire chains, a shovel, and jumper cables (better yet, invest in a portable jump starter so you can jump your own battery) should find a home in your emergency car kit.
5. Spare Boots, Socks, or Clothes
Who’s made it back to the truck after a long, wet day in the woods and dreamed about pulling on something warm, fluffy, and dry? Pack spare socks, pants, and a warm top for the drive home. Consider throwing in a pair of sneakers or slip-ons so you can shed your wet, mud-caked boots before climbing into the truck. Keeping a spare pair of boots in the rig is also a good idea…you never know when you’ll need them.

6. Hand and Foot Warmers
Small but mighty. Anyone who hunts in cold climates can attest to the power of hand and foot warmers. Invest in some air-activated hand and toe warmers, and keep a few extras in your rig. They can be a day-saver during freezing days, whether you’re perched in a tree stand or a glassing knob.
7. Medical Kit
Keep a reasonably stocked medical kit in your vehicle year-round. You may never use it, but when you’re miles away from anywhere, it pays to cover your bases. Carry a small kit with you in the field, but also keep medical supplies in your truck. Read more about what to pack in a hunter’s first-aid kit, and brush up on Stop the Bleed basics.
8. Duct Tape, Zip Ties, and Bungee Cords
The magical do-all tools. Duct tape, zip ties, and bungee cords can be MacGyvered to fix anything from busted boots to broken packs, and are worth keeping in the rig year-round as part of your “fix-it” kit. Add in a spare knife and you’re ready for most gear patching.
9. Permanent Marker or Pen
Whether you’re filling out walk-in forms or manually taking notes on the back of that magazine in the back seat pocket, you’re going to need something to write with. Toss a few permanent markers or quality pens into the truck, and never again search for a writing tool.
10. Truck Binos and Spotter Window Mount
Keep an extra pair of binoculars and a spotter window mount handy. If you choose to keep a quality pair of binos in the car, consider bringing them inside after every hunt, as we discuss in the section below. A spare pair of binoculars never goes amiss, and a spotter window mount makes using your spotting scope from the truck that much easier.
Other Things To Keep in Your Truck
We asked onX team members what items they keep in their trucks during hunting season. Some confirmed items in our “top 10” list above, while several offered unexpected tips. See what our team brings along, and what you might consider adding to your own gear list this season.
Edwin T., Product Design: “I carry these: Truck Claws Emergency Traction Aid.”
Matt S., Product Marketing: “I bring spare cheap binos; good ones get stored in the house but it’s nice to have a pair in the truck at all times. They can be used to find game, but also in case of emergencies, it’s nice to have them to try and spot other people/trucks that you can have come help you. Also, ketchup packets.”

James L., Customer Success: “I carry a sleeping bag just in case I get stuck overnight.”
Christian F., Creative: “Flares, a few sizes of zip ties, a few sizes of hose clamps, headlamp, flashlight, batteries, lumber crayon (writes on glass and is easily seen), tree marking tape, and fuses of all sizes.”
Dylan D., Hunt Marketing: “I bought a Zeus charger this year that’s already saved me. It’s a mini battery pack that jumps your rig without having another rig there.”
Sean D., Product Manager: “Chains, shovel, toilet paper, and a fishing pole when hunting isn’t productive.”
Jared L., Hunt Marketing: “I always keep a portable air compressor that plugs right into a cigarette lighter. Also, tire patch kits, basic gun cleaning supplies, scent killer wipes, and AA and AAA batteries.”
Lance F., Engineering: “Ski goggles for windy, snowy retrievals.”

Eric S., Founder: “Pack along a tarp to keep the back of your truck blood-free, hand sanitizer, spare binoculars, and a cell signal enhancer (I use the weBoost Drive).”
Marie M., Engineering: “A standalone battery jump kit. You never know when your battery may decide it’s a great time to die.”
Nick K., Engineering: “An offroad jack is nice to have, electric air pump, tire pressure gauge, tire repair tool, recovery tow rope or chain, high-quality orange paracord, block and tackle, a long rope (used it to get a deer in my truck bed alone), and soft shackles.”

Lance F., Engineering: “I keep some MICROspikes in the truck.”
Jacob W., IT: “Snowshoes are always good to have.”
Jeremy D., Software Development: “Pack a cheap blanket for throwing chains or getting under your truck when it’s wet/snowy. Also bring snap lights for road flares or an additional light, an extra roll of toilet paper, an extra bow release during bow season, and half-gallon milk jugs filled with frozen water. They double as both ice for your cooler and extra water.”
Zach S., Hunt Marketing: “MAXTRAX recovery boards. I also pack an Army surplus wool blanket; when it’s not in use it’s a durable back seat cover, can provide extra cushion/insulation for sleeping, and—most importantly—it’s very warm, even when wet, if I need extra layers. I also bring contractor garbage bags; I’ve used them for keeping meat dust-free, for rain protection, or as a makeshift tarp. There are endless uses and you can never have too many of them.”
Chris F., Customer Success: “A folding saw has saved me from needing to turn around a few times.”
Zack D., Engineering: “I’d replace Matt’s ketchup with hot sauce. Also, pack an extra headlamp and batteries.”
And Remember: Gas Up
It seems obvious, but don’t forget to start the trip with a full tank of gas. Fuel up the night before those early morning starts so you’re ready to hit the road at zero-dark-thirty. We know more than one hunter who’s missed his shot at an animal because he got excited and forgot to fill up the truck before leaving home, leaving him short of his destination.
Keeping Your Gear Safe
Bear in mind that trucks can always be broken into, and trucks parked at access points are a prime target for thieves. Consider purchasing locked storage for your truck, or be okay with possibly losing whatever you leave behind while hunting. During the hunting season, consider keeping your “truck kit” in totes or tubs and bringing it inside the house after each hunt. A truck full of expensive outdoor gear is tempting even if it’s parked at the grocery store or in front of your house, and it’s worth the extra effort to shuffle gear back and forth. As a bonus, totes will help you stay organized.