Dirt Bike Trails Near Mooers, New York

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Belvedere Mountain Road

The route starts on the East side, goes roughly 2.5 mi to a lookout point, and returns. Options to enter/exit the trail area to the west are available as well, but this route seems to…
Learn more about Belvedere Mountain Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
6 Moderate
Best Time
Fa / Su

Mason Hill

The trail starts as a dirt road passing a few farms, then into the woods. Once you're into the wood line, expect a narrower trail you could still fit a full-size truck through, with a…
Learn more about Mason Hill
Total Miles
Tech Rating
5 Moderate
Best Time
Su / Fa / Sp

Lynch Hill Loop

This is legally a Class 4 town road, so anything on it should technically be registered. Typically, the main loop is a fairly mild drive through the woods. There are options to get a bit…
Learn more about Lynch Hill Loop
Total Miles
Tech Rating
5 Moderate
Best Time

Lowell MTN / Baily-Hazen Military Road

This trail follows the original route of the Baily-Hazen Military Road, which was built in the 1780s, and in places, you can still see the original cobblestones. There are some truly beautiful views of northern…
Learn more about Lowell MTN / Baily-Hazen Military Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
6 Moderate
Best Time
Su / Fa

Scenic Powerline Trail 1

This is a scenic powerline trail with steep uphills and downhills, featuring terrain that ranges from pebbles to boulders, mud, and off-camber sections. Lockers and 35-inch tires are recommended to make the journey easier for…
Learn more about Scenic Powerline Trail 1
Total Miles
Tech Rating
4 Moderate
Best Time

Rusty Road

Rusty Road offers a one-way route that can be started from either end. It typically takes a little under 90 minutes to complete. Along the way, you will encounter beautiful creeks and a lake. Most…
Learn more about Rusty Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Su / Fa

Montagne Noire

Experience the thrill of an off-road adventure on the renowned Montagne Noire, French for Black Mountain. To fully enjoy this exhilarating journey, take a vehicle with a minimum of 9 inches of clearance and 30-inch…
Learn more about Montagne Noire
Total Miles
Tech Rating
5 Moderate
Best Time
Su / Fa

Skipping Montagne Noire - 01A

So you have completed all the level 1 trails in the area, but you're not quite ready to take on the daunting Montagne Noire summit. How about skipping that for now and trying a level…
Learn more about Skipping Montagne Noire - 01A
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Su / Fa / Sp

Trail #33

This is a well-maintained unpaved trail that can be accessed by most motor vehicles. A 4x4 is not necessary unless the weather conditions are extremely severe. There are very few if any obstacles on the…
Learn more about Trail #33
Total Miles
Tech Rating
1 Easy
Best Time
Su / Fa / Sp

Lac d'Enfant

Time may be limited, but your desire to explore a new route without any worries of getting stuck is about to be fulfilled! This wide trail mainly covered by dirt, sand, and small rocks will…
Learn more about Lac d'Enfant
Total Miles
Tech Rating
1 Easy
Best Time
Su / Fa / Sp