Airstrip Road to Hess Mine

Total Miles


215.75 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall

Trail Overview

Have you ever wondered what airstrip road near Senator's Wash was? It turns out, there is a cleared area that looks like one could take off and land an airplane; however, it is incredibly short. It may be more of a STOL-style strip. This trail is an out-and-back that connects up with a few other trails that can be used to make a loop. Beyond the airstrip, this route becomes rocky and bumpy, heading up to Hess Mine. Watch for sharp lava rocks and deep washouts. Some sections of the trail are in disrepair due to washouts and plants reclaiming the soil. The rocks in this trail are just waiting to destroy a sidewall, which is never fun. Airing down is highly recommended and having a fellow spotter in a few of the rockiest places is helpful. The fun side of this is some sweet obstacles and technical transitions. Near the end of the trail there are a few options to explore. This track cuts around the back side of the Hess mine and has outstanding views from the top, looking down on the imperial reservoir. A few bars of LTE Verizon service are along parts of the route. Please observe the marked wilderness signs and only travel designated auto trails in this area. Although it is a no-overnight-use area, plenty of camping is at the beginning of the trail near Senator's Wash.

Photos of Airstrip Road to Hess Mine

Airstrip Road to Hess Mine
Airstrip Road to Hess Mine


Rocky boulders to crawl over on this narrow trail. Also, there are some uncomfortable off-camber drops into and out of washes.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Collin Ball
Nov 12, 2023

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