Sunrise Point Road

Total Miles


1,835.02 ft


1.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

The route is a two-lane gravel road from start to finish and ends in a very large open area of the Lolo Forest. The route has a gradual climb from 3,200 to 6,000 feet with very beautiful views of the surrounding Lolo Forest. The route travels through areas of burnt-out forest and new growth. There is very little traffic on the route, except for some occasional wildlife that you might encounter. The route is very colorful with the onset of fall. You will need to download the offline map for this area as cell service is very weak toward the top of the route. Sharp curves and steep embankments can be encountered along the majority of the route.

Photos of Sunrise Point Road

Sunrise Point Road
Sunrise Point Road


The route is mainly made up of flat gravel with occasional loose rocks in places. Sharp blind curves with steep embankments are along most of the route. Downed trees or brush could be on the route in many places.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

The route starts from Meadow Creek Road which connects to Quartz Creek Road.

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