The Back-way to Imperial Gables

Total Miles


423.09 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall

Trail Overview

This more fun route to the ghost-like town of Imperial Gables takes the traveler through a soft sand wash for most of the run. It will eventually pop out of the wash onto loose off-camber hillsides with climbs and washouts. Airing down is recommended. Midway along the trail are remnants of rusted-out vehicles. Keep an eye out for fenders, hoods, and random car parts all along the route. A plethora of cholla "jumping" cacti are growing on the sides of this trail and in areas bits in the middle of the trail. Avoid driving over or walking near the spiny cacti when traveling in the area. Wind storms are common in the area causing more Cholla arms to blow into the trail. There is a little Verizon 5G at the beginning and end of the trail. None in the middle; it is recommended to download offline maps of the area ahead of time. Also, bring lots of water as this is the middle of the remote desert.

Photos of The Back-way to Imperial Gables

The Back-way to Imperial Gables
The Back-way to Imperial Gables


The majority of this trail is in long deep sandy washes. There are also some off-camber sections comming in or out of the washes.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

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