Lower Larga Flats 2N06X

Total Miles


1,936.57 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Spring, Winter

Trail Overview

This is a fairly technical trail, but an easier option than the Holcomb Creek (3N93) rock garden that would follow when running from east to west. There are plenty of off-camber areas with large rocks all over the trail and constant tests of how much flex your vehicle has. This is rated as a Black Diamond trail; the hardest trails in the area receive this rating.

Photos of Lower Larga Flats 2N06X

Lower Larga Flats 2N06X
Lower Larga Flats 2N06X


There are many off-camber situations along with large rocks, deep ruts, and holes to navigate through and around. While the trail isn't very long, most of it is slow driving to navigate the obstacles. It requires constant attention, as a bad line can end up in a recovery situation if the driver is not careful.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Shelby Hall
May 19, 2024
Trail was open but undergoing maintenance in the rock gardens. The trail was rated at 5 or 6, but I would say the rock gardens made the trail more of an 8.

Access Description

You can enter the trail from the southeast by taking Holcomb Creek Trail (3N93) from either direction or from the northwest by taking Holcomb Valley Trail (3N16). Whichever way you enter, you must exit on the other trail mentioned.

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