Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA Auto Route
Total Miles
Technical Rating
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Trail Type
Full-Width Road
Accessible By
Trail Overview
Well maintained gravel roads travel through a beautiful landscape. The Grandview Prairie Auto Tour is a 10-mile route with 10 stops. Enjoy the drive along these gravel roads while learning about the area as you pass signs on the sides of the roads. Two small lakes are at the end of a couple of the roads.
Photos of Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA Auto Route
Maintained gravel roads ,two wheel drive passable
The blacklands of southwesternArkansas, a landscape dominated bytall native grasses, had a watery begin-ning. Millions of years ago the Gulf ofMexico covered the region. As itreceded, it left behind deposits ofshellfish that formed a chalky layerunderneath a deep mantle of rich,black soil. It's from this dark soil thatthe blacklands get their name. With akeen eye one can still find fossils ofancient oyster shells or perhaps even amosasaur, a giant reptile that patrolledthe oceans of the Cretaceous Period.The state's blackland prairies andassociated woodlands and bottom-lands harbor more than 600 plantand 315 animal species. The prairiesare often splashed with colorful wild-flowers and attract a variety of birds,including rare species such asBachman's sparrow, Cooper's hawk,sharp-shinned hawk, peregrine falconand osprey.
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