Flat Tire

Total Miles


2,099.44 ft



Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall

Trail Overview

The route starts at Moon Rocks recreation area. From there the path is fairly easy, with several whoops to ride over and rides along the side of the Dogskin Mountains. It Makes a detour at the top of one of the peaks where you can get a great view of the area. You can see Pyramid lake, Spark, Reno, and the North Valleys from this position. Continuing on you will cross over the mountain into a valley. From here, the trail can get more challenging. One part of the trail gets more and more eroded every year, to the point the road may not exist and a very potentially dangerous (if unskilled or in the wrong rig) bypass is required. If it is wet/snowy, do not go down as you may have no choice but to continue. It opens to a very beautiful valley where you have a short moment of rock crawling down a creek. This is my favorite part of the trail and is a very beautiful spot. Depending on the time of year you will see lots of colors on the mountains and valleys. One of my favorite rides in an SXS or Dirt bike in the area.

Photos of Flat Tire

Flat Tire
Flat Tire


Most of the trail is fairly simple, however there are some sections that can be very tricky, especially if you are in a full size rig. Recommended for SXS, atv, dirt bikes, but equipped rigs (rock crawlers) will be able to make it as well. Please be kind to the trail, it is delicate. Overland or SUV's are HIGHLY not recommended.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Jason Starr
Jul 27, 2024
Would not recommend at all at time of report we went up halfway and a part of the trail was washed away and dead trees were scattered had to back down the whole hill, would not reccomend
Sean Bertrand
Aug 12, 2023

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