Lunch Money

Total Miles


534.08 ft


5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer

Trail Overview

This is a very technical trail that you access from ES202A Forest Rd. The trail begins by driving through a narrow washout lined with Aspen trees and glacial till. You'll then start climbing a large, steep wash that is filled with boulders the size of small cars. The trail is surrounded by old-growth yellow cedar trees, which can serve as winch points as you make your way up the rocky wash. Some of the cedar trees may lie across the trail, so a chainsaw might be needed. It's recommended to bring tools and spare parts for on-trail repairs, as well as a winch, recovery gear, chainsaw, and a spotter/copilot for tire placement in large boulder sections. This trail will test your driving skills. The trail should be started from ES202A and exited onto ES401C.

Photos of Lunch Money

Lunch Money
Lunch Money


Large boulders and multiple off-camber points

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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