Chemin Mont des Cenelles to the Top

Total Kilometers


247.40 m


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

Get ready to step up your trail game and experience the exhilaration of intermediate trails! Congratulations on mastering the easier routes and honing your skills. It's time to embark on a thrilling adventure that will push your limits and leave you breathless. Buckle up as you take on this challenging trail that promises a rewarding view at the summit.The trail can comfortably accommodate two vehicles across. For the first two-thirds of the journey, expect a mix of level 1 and 2 terrain, featuring dirt paths scattered with grapefruit-sized rocks. However, if you find yourself seeking an extra adrenaline rush, don't hesitate to venture off on the sides of the road and explore the thrilling deep muddy passes or basketball-sized rocky paths. But hold on tight, because the real test lies ahead. As you approach the summit, brace yourself for a steep, 15-degree hill littered with loose rocks, adding an element of challenge to your ascent. And just when you thought you've conquered it all, behold the best obstacle--a small rocky wall that demands both skill and vehicle clearance. Be prepared to navigate this unforgiving barrier, as there is no bypass available. Persevere and forge ahead, for beyond this wall awaits a magnificent sight: a panoramic view of the surrounding area, with sweeping vistas of Lac Archambault and the Mont Garceau ski station. As you reach the summit, take a moment to soak in the beauty of your surroundings. Discover a fire pit, inviting you to unwind and bask in the warmth of a crackling fire. However, before you ignite a flame, exercise caution and ensure that there are no fire restriction warnings in effect. Safety first, but when permitted, relish the opportunity to create lasting memories around the flickering flames. For those seeking even more exploration, alternative branches meander off the main path, tempting you to find uncharted territory. But do be aware that these paths may not lead far and could present dead ends. To conquer this route, it is recommended to equip your vehicle with a 10-inch clearance and 33-inch tires. Let the spirit of adventure guide you as you conquer this intermediate trail with passion and determination. During the thaw period and winter season, the track is closed for 4x4. It's essential to double-check the opening and closure dates with your local off-road club before planning your trip.

Photos of Chemin Mont des Cenelles to the Top

Chemin Mont des Cenelles to the Top
Chemin Mont des Cenelles to the Top


Expect a 15-degree hill littered with loose rocks and a small rocky wall that demands both skill and vehicle clearance.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Karl Khouday
Aug 23, 2024
2023 Jeep Gladiator

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