Flat Woolum

Total Miles


554.94 ft


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Winter

Trail Overview

Starting off near Flat Arkansas, you make your way North towards Mt. Hersey and then follow the main gravel road down to Woolum. Please keep in mind of the water crossings and make sure to check water levels at all water crossings. Rain can change these crossings and water can be deep at certain times of the year. This is a very mild trail, but has beautiful river crossings, and amazing scenery. This trail is running along the National Buffalo River, Check National Park Pages for any road closures.

Photos of Flat Woolum

Flat Woolum
Flat Woolum


Some spots of the road before Mt. Hersey are slightly washed out, but any 4x4 vehicle can get by on the trail. A super small section of sand before the first river crossing. Please be mindful of the water depth when crossing the river.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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