395 Overlook

Total Miles


2,413.91 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Fall, Summer, Spring

Trail Overview

This short trail takes you high above the 395 and other surrounding valleys. It offers beautiful views of Mammoth Mountain and other Eastern Sierra Peaks. There is also a nice view of the airport. Stunning when snow is still covering the peaks. The trail starts as an easy sandy trail but gets very rocky as it climbs a steep cliffside.

Photos of 395 Overlook

395 Overlook
395 Overlook


This short trail takes you high above the 395 and other surrounding valleys. It offers beautiful views of Mammoth Mountain and other Eastern Sierra Peaks. Stunning when snow is still covering the peaks. The trail starts as an easy sandy trail but gets very rocky as it climbs a steep cliffside. Sandy trail with a lot of loose rocks. There are a few humps to go over. High clearance is recommended.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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