5S01 Indian Truck Trail

Total Miles


1,159.95 ft


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

5S01 Indian Truck Trail is a 7-mile point-to-point trail rated 3 of 10 located within the Cleveland National Forest, Trabuco Ranger District. Indian Truck Trail ascends 2,500 feet over the 7-mile drive from the Temescal Canyon to the North Main Divide. This is a limited access trail restricted to street-legal vehicles. It is popular with the 4x4, motorcycle, and mountain bike communities. The steep winding climb offers vista views of the Temescal Valley below. Upon reaching the North Main Divide, the options are to turn north to Santiago Peak Lookout or south to Trabuco Peak, both of which offer fantastic sunset views. The trail consists of packed dirt and is subject to closure based on wet weather or fire danger. The winding trail is narrow at times with many blind curves. Traffic runs in both directions, so care should be taken on any blind curve. Cell phone service is intermittent. The nearest services are located north or south along Interstate 15.

Photos of 5S01 Indian Truck Trail

5S01 Indian Truck Trail
5S01 Indian Truck Trail


The trail consists of loose rocks, dirt, and sand with some slick rock surfaces. Mud holes are possible, but there are no steps higher than 12 inches. 4WD may be required, and aggressive tires are a plus.


The trail was closed for several years after the 2018 Holy Fire and was reopened, only to be closed again in early 2022 due to a landslide. The trail is currently open. Cleveland National Forest truck trail and road closures are found here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/cleveland/alerts-notices/?cid=stelprdb5340229

Technical Rating

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