McGee Mtn Rd Summit

Total Miles


3,182.08 ft


2.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

This is a beautiful trail to the top of McGee Mountain. Starts very relaxed as you make your way through valleys. It quickly gets fun as you start up the switchbacks. It is very narrow and very rocky. Do not recommend any full sides or long-based vehicles. You can walk up to the actual summit. Offers amazing views of Lake Crowley and the surrounding mountain peaks as well as the valleys below. Many wildflowers in the spring and early summer. Be very aware of vehicles coming in the opposite direction as this is a very narrow trail as you climb the switchbacks. The only areas to pass are some of the switchbacks. In the Spring, this area is used for cattle grazing. Make sure to show respect to these animals and close the gates behind you. We don't want to lose access to these areas because of rude motorists. Also, be aware of hikers. This is also the trail for hikers to get to the summit.

Photos of McGee Mtn Rd Summit

McGee Mtn Rd Summit
McGee Mtn Rd Summit


The trail starts fairly straightforwardly. It starts to get challenging as it makes its way up the mountain. The road is very narrow with lots of large rock formations along the inside edges. Use caution to avoid sidewall damage. The trail is full of many smaller-sized rocks. 4WD and high clearance is highly recommended. Some of the switchbacks are very tight. Short-wheel-based vehicles are also highly recommended. Be very aware of others coming in the opposite direction. There is almost nowhere to pass on the switchbacks except for some of the turns. The uphill switchbacks are on cliff edges. Some of these have very loose, small rocks along the cliff edge. Using caution is paramount.

Technical Rating


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