Trans-Ocotillo Connector

Total Miles


272.03 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This trail is all about fast running through desert washes. The western endpoint has easy road access and the eastern endpoint plugs into the extensive trail system north of Ocotillo. The washes are smooth and have great 360-degree visibility with nothing around. Be forewarned, however, that the trails change with the weather, and there is a detour from the published trail due to construction about halfway through--the road goes straight into a berm and turns hard south (if headed west). There are many vehicle tracks in the wash, and it's often difficult to discern which is the established trail. Having said that, it's a blast to run, with long straightaways and zero traffic.

Photos of Trans-Ocotillo Connector

Trans-Ocotillo Connector
Trans-Ocotillo Connector


Nearly the entire trail is embedded in sandy washes. 4WD is not necessary but will aid with control at higher speeds.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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