Scratch and Dent

Total Miles


1,865.19 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

The Scratch and Dent trailhead is on the entrance road to Calamity Canyon, about a quarter mile from Rim Road. There is a small sign to the left at the bottom of the first small draw, indicating the start of the trail. The trail continues up the draw and is mostly smooth sand and a few small boulders. At about a third of a mile, it passes through a fence with a gate (please leave the gate as you found it). About 100 yards past the gate, the trail begins a rocky section that climbs up out of the draw. The rocky section continues for about 100 yards. When you get to the top, turn left and continue for about a quarter of a mile to the Calamity Canyon entrance road. Turn right to return to Rim Road.

Photos of Scratch and Dent

Scratch and Dent


This trail features big rocks and tight canyons.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.
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