Charlevoix / Booth Lake

Total Miles


348.34 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall

Trail Overview

This trail has a dirt base with slight elevation changes. Some areas are narrow and muddy. There is an unpassable series of mud holes that has a bypass to the left of the trail. Take the bypass. If you continue straight through the mud holes, there is also a large tree down on the trail.

Photos of Charlevoix / Booth Lake

Charlevoix / Booth Lake
Charlevoix / Booth Lake


This trail is pretty muddy for a Michigan trail. It is nearly a 3 because of the area that has large mud holes and a downed tree, but there is a bypass to that area. The route recorded takes that bypass.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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