Jeep Route 9995183

Total Miles


217.52 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This trail has multiple areas you can visit. The trail can be accessed from East Bass Cove Road. There is parking at the beginning of the trail. From the parking area, you can jump on the Jeep trail that will take you to East Marblehead trail leading to South Shore Beach or Marblehead through the Tank Traps. If you choose the route to South Shore you can loop back to Plywood Camp Road bringing you back to the parking area. A very nice drive but depending on the time of year can be wet and muddy.

Photos of Jeep Route 9995183

Jeep Route 9995183
Jeep Route 9995183


I rated this trail a 5 since it can be have deep water and very muddy at times.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Jeff And Laura Bomer
Aug 10, 2024
The day we ran trail very dry so no issues.
Justin P
Apr 19, 2024
2020 Jeep Gladiator
The trail begins after the tank traps (which have a bypass) and the turn towards the South Route. The route meets back up with the South Route at the main road. The Jeep Route is mostly a wide one-lane road winding through an old logging area. There are some mud puddles, but not very deep. The trail was wet when we were there in the spring.
Jeff And Laura Bomer
Sep 27, 2023

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