Montcalm Ave Northeast Trail

Total Miles


243.00 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

This an an out-and-back trail. The access is off Potters Rd. The beginning of the trail has public land on one side and private residences on the other so be courteous. Half a mile into the trail it turns from a gravel road into a two-track. Along the route, there are pull offs for the public land. You will encounter a couple of mud puddles before you get to the final turn off before the challenging hill. If you drive down the hill that is rutted out and muddy there is a spot to turn off and drive through a clear cut until you encounter a kayak launch for the Flat River. If you continue straight you will hit two very large mud puddles that could swallow a vehicle depending on recent rainfall. Once you cross those you will have ample space to turn around or park to access the public land. Going back up the rutted hill be careful this will test your vehicles articulation and ground clearance.

Photos of Montcalm Ave Northeast Trail

Montcalm Ave Northeast Trail
Montcalm Ave Northeast Trail


Mud puddles are very large and the rutted out hill will pose a challenge.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Zein Hassan
Aug 24, 2024
No clear signage on when private road begins. Beginning of trail says dead end. Tight trail and probably not good for full size trucks but relatively easy only a couple obstacles.

Access Description

The only access to this trail is off Potters Rd. Please be courteous of the private property lines at the start of this route.

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