Niarada to Irvine Flats

Total Miles


1,579.34 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

The route might be dusty or damp depending on the weather. Snow does make it impassable if you go too early in the spring. Part of this trail passes through some old fire growth. Cell phone services are hit-and-miss. This track is 100% on CS&KT tribal lands. All recreational activities on tribal-owned lands require a non-member person over the age of 11 to purchase a Tribal Conservation Permit. The website for information is Always double-check for any restrictions while recreating on CSKT Tribal Lands.

Photos of Niarada to Irvine Flats

Niarada to Irvine Flats
Niarada to Irvine Flats


The trail presents no real obstacles, even for 2WD vehicles. Some small rocks, ruts, or washouts may be present. A few moderate, but short, grades exist that could be slick in wetter months.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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