North Lawrence to Brushton

Total Miles


128.54 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This is a mix of railroad beds and side roads to get between North Lawrence and Brushton Stuart's gas station. The railroad bed has several wet holes and some flooding but is passable without the use of 4WD. From North Lawrence, you can access the St. Lawrence County multi-use trail and head for either Helena or Parishville. From Brushton, you can head for St. Regis.

Photos of North Lawrence to Brushton

North Lawrence to Brushton
North Lawrence to Brushton


This railroad bed has several water holes varying in depth with mostly rocky bottoms. A few places have some flooding due to ditches not flowing.


This is part of the old Corrigan Railroad bed.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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