Tobe Lewis Road

Total Miles


358.90 ft


1.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is an offroad paradise for people who want to enjoy nature but don't have built rigs. The trail will give you off-camber ruts through mudholes as well as rocky hill climbs with great views of the outskirts of the Shawnee State Forest. Do not attempt this in a 2WD vehicle or a truck that does not have at least 33-inch tires and 4-low. the trail can be slick and muddy if it has rained in the days before your adventure. This is a great trail for some relaxing off-road fun; it is just sketchy enough to be fun but not over-the-top hard.

Photos of Tobe Lewis Road

Tobe Lewis Road
Tobe Lewis Road


Expect uneven washouts and deep muddy ruts with off-camber crossings.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Nick B
Aug 20, 2024
trail was a little muddy but other then that a very fun ride
Brandon Durbin
Aug 06, 2024
2001 Jeep Cherokee
Few washes, not too much mud. Very fun trail coming down from sunshine. Great time and there’s a pond down by the entrance that’s worth a hike over to.
Jeremy Inman
Jul 28, 2024
Tail was open. Fun trial
Joel K
Jul 20, 2024
Permanently Closed
Posted Private Property
This trail looked rad as hell and like a REAL off road trail, but there is clearly a sign stating its property of some “J McCoy Forestry” company and says “No Trespassing”. I’m not sure if this is new or if the other people who left reviews either didn’t see it or just ignored it. I WANTED to ignore it but thought, great with my luck this killjoy finds me on his property with a shotgun in tow…so we turned around and did not proceed.

Access Description

if you want to ride this trail downhill, you will enter off of Morrell Hollow, turn left, and let the fun begin. If you want to run it uphill, you enter where the pavement on Tobe Lewis Road ends.

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