Iron Point Road

Total Miles


1,370.05 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This is a rugged dirt road with bits of rock from time to time. It leads out from Morcom Road towards Iron Point on the edge of the Owyhee Canyon. There is very little traffic out here. Bring extra fuel, water, and spare tires. There is a high silica content in the dirt in this region. When dry, it has a fine talc dust that gets everywhere and in everything. When wet, it becomes a slippery mess and dries hard on your vehicle like concrete. Be prepared to hike out if traveling in this area during the wet season.

Photos of Iron Point Road

Iron Point Road
Iron Point Road


easy dirt road with bits of rough rock from time to time

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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