Arrowhead Canyon

Total Miles


1,010.46 ft


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

Trail Overview

Arrowhead Canyon is a 0.4-mile point-to-point trail rated 10 of 10 located within the Sand Mountain Open Off-Highway Vehicle Area. Although usually referred to as Sand Hollow this is not part of the state park but managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Arrowhead Canyon is probably the most difficult trail on the north side of the mountain. If you are looking for a Buggy Trail this one is easily accessible from the Lakeside (follow the fence) trail. The approach up the wide sandy wash from Lakeside is deceiving until you reach the trailhead, then the fun begins. This trail earns its rating with climbs up to the top of deep slot canyons with tires spanning both walls. Near vertical waterfalls, large cracks that will span the width of the rig and incredible transitions. Throw in some off-camber climbing turns and you have Arrowhead Canyon. There are several lines for the various obstacles as well as some alternate obstacles. This canyon has claimed more than one rig trying to conquer the short distance. So don't let the distance fool you, take your time. Experienced drivers take about an hour. Newcomers can take several hours as they look at each obstacle and decide on their line. Although extremely well-built full-body rigs can tackle this trail (probably not without some damage) it is really more enjoyable with the right rigs. Would recommend minimum capabilities lockers, Hydro Assist to full hydro, beadlocks, heavy-duty axles, 37' and up-size tires, and winch with recovery gear will at least set you up for success. Appropriate safety gear is advisable as well. Cell phone service is generally good, if you lose it just climb the shear wall to the top of the canyon and it will be clear. The nearest services are located in Hurricane.

Photos of Arrowhead Canyon

Arrowhead Canyon
Arrowhead Canyon


Buggy territory. Street-driven 4X4s should not attempt this trail. Even well-built modified factory vehicles should consider other trails (You've been warned).

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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