Dump Ridge

Total Miles


2,068.22 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

Dump Ridge is a single track in the adobe badlands of the Flat Top - Peach Valley Recreation Area. The trail follows a ridge line on top of the adobe clay hills with lots of ups and downs. It is very similar to the other ridge trails in the area, but Dump Ridge ends at a bit higher elevation where the badlands start to reach the pine trees and rocks start to line the trail and the terrain starts to change. There is a shelfy section near the eastern end where you have to do a bit more side-hilling for about half a mile. The side-hilling makes it more difficult because you have to pay attention more compared to when you are on top of the ridge. The easternmost end of the trail ends at a fence with a gate to access some of the other single-track trails. As you lose elevation from NE to SW, the rest of the trail is gradual adobe hill climbs and descents. It turns into a road when you get to the landfill and heads down to Botswick Park Road. There are whoops on a lot of the climbs, and trail markers at most intersections and frequently throughout the trail.

Photos of Dump Ridge

Dump Ridge
Dump Ridge


The difficulty comes from the steep adobe hill climbs and narrow trail on the ridge lines, but the trail itself is smooth with no rocks and no obstacles.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

The Flat Top Peach Valley Recreation Area is a 9,700 acre trail system made up of adobe hills and rocky desert mesas with almost 100 miles of trail, and a couple open riding areas. The main staging areas are Flat Top, Peach Valley, and Elephant Skin Road, but all trails can be accessed from all staging areas. This is a highly trafficked area, especially on weekends, and has lots of blind corners around the adobe hills. It's best to visit in spring and fall to avoid the summer heat and winter snow. There is several days worth of riding here, and it's easy to make a loop of your desired length since all the trails are relatively short and connect easily.

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