FS 2721

Total Miles


249.83 ft


0.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

FS 2721, also known as Forty Pond, is a single, narrow two-track that connects into trail FS 2717 Part 1, also leading you by Norway Lake. It also connects to FS 2438 for more adventure. This route has a mix of sand, rock, and dirt, and you could encounter mud during heavy rains. This trail is a great fall run. There is limited cellphone service on most of the trails in this area so don't wheel alone.

Photos of FS 2721

FS 2721
FS 2721


This trail is rated a 2 because you could encounter mud after a heavy rain.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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