Total Miles


1,810.93 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Winter, Fall

Trail Overview

1438 is a 3.8-mile-long rim road that goes out to the Paria Canyon Viewpoint and makes a loop off of 1094. It's a pretty easy trail overall. It's a bumpier road with loose rocks in the trail, embedded rock slabs, and tight turns through pinyon pine trees. It's a hardpacked mix of sand and dirt. It has even easier sections that are fast and straight, but sometimes it goes pretty close to the edge, so pay attention. The trail goes along a Wilderness Boundary with the Vermillion Cliffs for most of the trail. Remember to park on the inside of the trail (not the cliff side) when stopping for the view, because the outside of the track is wilderness. There are so many viewpoints along the trail; you could stop and look at the view for hours because it's so incredible. It looks like a mini Grand Canyon. When you are headed back north on the east side of the loop, you can actually see all the way to Lake Powell.

Photos of 1438



This is an easy dirt road with features such as sand, tight turns, and sections of embedded rock slab.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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