Scratchy Scratch

Total Miles


848.07 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This trail starts with a ton of fun and ends with paint damage. The southern section is a wide wash with plenty of room to navigate. At its southern terminus, you'll find a fence across the main wash and a locked gate at the adjacent access point. Headed north, once you cross the main road, there are a couple of rocky narrow sections before you drop back into the wash. As you proceed north, the wash narrows extremely. The final 50-100 meters of the trail are tight, overgrown turns, with the final obstacle being two trees across from each other on the trail that act as a gate. For reference, there are about 2 inches on each side of a Tacoma as clearance to get through. The trail terminates at a gnarly fenceline road--but that's another trail with another story.

Photos of Scratchy Scratch

Scratchy Scratch
Scratchy Scratch


This wash is unmaintained and could prove dangerous (especially the northern, more narrow end) during or after a rain event. The wash is wider to the south, but the northern end is hazardous.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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