Clark Spring Road

Total Miles


3,104.25 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

Clark Spring Road (FR 130) is located in Pike National Forest, nestled within the Tarryall Mountains northeast of Fairplay, Colorado. Spanning 2.3 miles north to south, this trail is renowned for its large dispersed camping sites and connections to other local trails. It's particularly appealing to beginners, campers, overlanders, and sightseers looking for a scenic forest retreat. The road conditions are rough with muddy stretches and rutted sections, due to poor maintenance and washouts, presenting an easy to moderate challenge. It's recommended to traverse this trail with a 4WD vehicle for a more secure experience. Without any cell signal, visitors can enjoy an uninterrupted natural escape. The best time to visit Clark Spring Road is from late spring through fall, offering a perfect blend of accessibility and natural beauty. This road makes a weird turn at an intersection and technically dead-ends a few feet beyond this intersection.

Photos of Clark Spring Road

Clark Spring Road
Clark Spring Road


The road isn't maintained well and there are a few areas it is washed out, forming ruts and unstable soil.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Michael Armijo
Aug 10, 2024

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