Hale Ridge

Total Miles


807.33 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer

Trail Overview

Hale Ridge is a gravel and rock road in Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest. The trail runs from FS86 (The Georgia Traverse) in the north, to Warwoman Road in the south. Hale Ridge is a basic trail and can be completed by most vehicles, but could be difficult for 2WD vehicles during inclement weather. Expect to see dense forest and the occasional deer or bear. Cell service is spotty to non-existent in the area.

Photos of Hale Ridge

Hale Ridge
Hale Ridge


Hale Ridge is fairly basic and most vehicles should be able to travel it with little difficulty. Extra caution should be taken during inclement weather.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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