Off-Road Trails in Pennsylvania

Discover off-road trails in Pennsylvania

Learn more about S


S trail is the main artery of the south property. It loops around and has many different branches to connect all of the trails. Expect rocks, puddles, small hills, and brushy sections, all while going…
Learn more about S
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about S Connectors
S Connectors

S Connectors

These trails all intersect with the S trail and S1. This section was formed during the logging years ago and gradually integrated into the trail network. They offer the opportunity to select your preferred path…
Learn more about S Connectors
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about S1


S1 is a brief crossover trail designed to link different sections of the S trail network. Similar to other S connectors, it offers a smooth ride with a few small rocks to watch out for.…
Learn more about S1
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about S3


S3 is a connecting trail between two parts of the S trail system, also serving as the starting point for the Krawlin for Cops trail. Initially smooth, it becomes rockier in the deeper woods but…
Learn more about S3
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about S4


S4 functions as a connector trail, primarily weaving around Snake Bite and the Quarry. It offers a relatively flat and easier terrain compared to other trails. While the obstacles aren't massive, drivers should remain attentive…
Learn more about S4
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
Learn more about Sandy Ridge Trail
Sandy Ridge Trail

Sandy Ridge Trail

The Sandy Ridge Trail is a 6.2 point-to-point trail. The trail itself is a well-maintained dirt/gravel road with a lot of views of trees and wildlife. Sandy Ridge has plenty of spots to pull over…
Learn more about Sandy Ridge Trail
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Learn more about Senneth Cemetery Rd
Senneth Cemetery Rd

Senneth Cemetery Rd

This is one of the most technical of the trails in Laurel State Park/Forbes State Forest. The trail is mostly dirt and rough gravel. It is quite narrow in some sections and expects to be…
Learn more about Senneth Cemetery Rd
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about Shanerburg Road
Shanerburg Road

Shanerburg Road

Shanerburg Road is a long winding trail that will pass you by several streams with a 1-lane bridge. The trail passes through much of the forest--it's longer than you'd think. The road has a few…
Learn more about Shanerburg Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
Learn more about Sharpback Hollow Road
Sharpback Hollow Road

Sharpback Hollow Road

This trail has it all: Mud, water, ruts, rocks, climbs & views. To run this route as a climb (how this description is written), start at Stony Run Road. The Mountain Laurel is very tight…
Learn more about Sharpback Hollow Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
4 Moderate
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about Shaughnessy Road
Shaughnessy Road

Shaughnessy Road

This is a short seasonal-use road outside of Little Meadows, Pennsylvania, paved with stone. It is a low/no maintenance road that has some steep grade hill climbing on the way up. The road can be…
Learn more about Shaughnessy Road
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Learn more about Snake Bite Black
Snake Bite Black

Snake Bite Black

This trail is located in a designated area at the far end of the south property, crossing over several parts of S4. Expect rocks, some small holes, and climbs. It's marked as a blue/black trail,…
Learn more about Snake Bite Black
Total Miles
Tech Rating
5 Moderate
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about Sniper Ledge Bypass - BFR - Blue - Moderate
Sniper Ledge Bypass - BFR - Blue - Moderate

Sniper Ledge Bypass - BFR - Blue - Moderate

This is a moderate trail with a decent hill climb that is mostly made of dirt and rocks. It's suitable for all offroad vehicle types. The hill climbs can be a bit steeper here, usually…
Learn more about Sniper Ledge Bypass - BFR - Blue - Moderate
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Learn more about Spectacle Gap
Spectacle Gap

Spectacle Gap

The Spectacle Gap Trail is an out-and-back trail at Tuscarora State Forest in Pennsylvania. This road makes for a scenic drive up the mountain. Campsite 009, formerly known as Shade Mountain Fire Tower, can be…
Learn more about Spectacle Gap
Total Miles
Tech Rating
1 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 14
St. Keirns 14

St. Keirns 14

This is a dead-end trail. There was a way on one side to connect to a coal dirt play area but now this is active mining. Please stay out of the active mining area. The…
Learn more about St. Keirns 14
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 15
St. Keirns 15

St. Keirns 15

St. Keirns 15 goes off of the property. The trail looks like it just continues, but it goes to an area that is not open to riding. Please do not trespass off of the property.…
Learn more about St. Keirns 15
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 16
St. Keirns 16

St. Keirns 16

St. Keirns 16 has multiple things to see. One side dead-ends at a black trail, the other at the Minersville Route. On the north side of the trail, there are old coal mines to look…
Learn more about St. Keirns 16
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 20
St. Keirns 20

St. Keirns 20

St. Keirns 20 was a challenging continuation trail, but now it is a dead end due to active mining. This trail now weaves down a fun trail but then has signs not to go past.…
Learn more about St. Keirns 20
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall
Learn more about St. Keirns 31
St. Keirns 31

St. Keirns 31

St. Keirns 31 is now a dead end on both sides from active mining areas. Please pay attention and do not cross into the active mining areas. This trail has some technical spots with washouts…
Learn more about St. Keirns 31
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 32
St. Keirns 32

St. Keirns 32

St. Keirns 32 leads to trail 31 and heads to 18 running north. It is a wooded trail with a side loop trail that was an old camping area. The trail has some rockier areas…
Learn more about St. Keirns 32
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Learn more about St. Keirns 33
St. Keirns 33

St. Keirns 33

St. Keirns 33 is the connector trail for 31 to connect to 18. Prior to timbering and active mining, 31 continued; now with both happening, this is the only way to connect. It is a…
Learn more about St. Keirns 33
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

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