3 - Major Tom

Total Miles


430.77 ft


0.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

3 - Major Tom is an excellent trail on the more casual side that can be underestimated. At the same time, Major Tom is a more accessible trail that can sometimes lead to complacency for a starter vehicle or one with less ground clearance. You may, for example, find yourself hung up on your differential on a trail that seems like a walk in the park. Trail 3 is a firm dirt trail with more minor obstacles scattered amongst the trail. From a flat shelf rock to mud holes, this will be a great starter trail to introduce the new riders, let the kids get behind the wheel to get some hands-on experience in a controlled situation, or take a break from the roaring motors on the buggy trails.

Photos of 3 - Major Tom

3 - Major Tom
3 - Major Tom


Trail 3 is mostly hard packed dirt, and does not hold mud very long, as the water runs off the mountain quickly. There is scattered tree debris, and one rock shelf that could catch you off guard. Otherwise, this trail is an excellent easy cruiser!


Trail 3 features Tom's Rock. Tom was AOP's original owner when the park opened. It started as a great hang out spot and ended as a icon for the trail itself.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

Trail 3 - Major Tom starts on trail #1, right in the bend if you were to not make the turn to the left. Trail #3 ends at Trail #11 and almost runs parallel with trail #2

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