Harris Mountain-BLM28-KC1400

Total Miles


1,991.23 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

Harris Mountain-BLM28-KC1400 is a 4.4-mile point-to-point trail within the Parunuweap Canyon Wilderness Study Area rated 3 out of 10 due to the potential for deep sand. Whether traveling east or west on this trail, it will rise to the midpoint which is Harris Mountain. Along the way, there are vistas of cliffs of Zion National Park. The trail crosses scrub brush flats and as the trail gains elevation, junipers and pinyon pines surround the trail. The main landmarks in and directly south of the southern portion of the WSA are Harris Mountain and Elephant Butte. Springs and plant life concentrate animals in the area. Mule deer are common and may be seen just after sunrise and just before sunset. Many kinds of hawks, eagles, and other birds can also be seen in the area. This area is remote and there are no services of any type. The closest services are in Kanab.

Photos of Harris Mountain-BLM28-KC1400

Harris Mountain-BLM28-KC1400
Harris Mountain-BLM28-KC1400


The trail consists of loose rocks, dirt, and sand with some slick rock surfaces and mud holes possible. No steps are higher than 12 inches. 4WD may be required, and aggressive tires are a plus.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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