Guaje Connector

Total Miles


2,367.60 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

Guaje Connector Trail is Forest Service Road #803. This trail connects Guaje Canyon up to Guaje Ridge and back over to town just behind the Guaje Pines Cemetery. As the trail climbs out of Guaje Canyon, if using it as an exit, expect a shelf road with a fairly steep grade with lots of loose rocky boulders. Once up top, the trail is fairly mild and traverses the ridge top before dropping back in towards town. The dirt on the ridge top can become very slick and muddy during rainfall; avoid it in those conditions.

Photos of Guaje Connector

Guaje Connector
Guaje Connector


This is a shelf road with a steep grade and small to medium-sized boulders.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Jeff Hall
Sep 06, 2024
Downed Tree
Jim Robinson
May 30, 2024
Dirt Bike
The last part that drops down to the canyon is very rocky and steep. Larger bikes or ATV's are likely to have some trouble. Up to that point it is pretty easy.
Joseph Lavery
Apr 08, 2024
fun ride but many areas to flip if not careful. look out for washed out roads and sharp rocks.

Access Description

This trail is accessible behind Guaje Pines Cemetery or can be run as an exit from Guaje Canyon.

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