National Livestock Road

Total Miles


1,902.43 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

National Livestock Road begins as a well-maintained dirt and gravel out and back road, and progressively becomes more difficult and rocky. Starting out wide enough for two vehicles, the road changes to a single-vehicle-wide two-track trail where it intersects with FS-277A and FS-277C. Shortly after the change in width, the surface becomes primarily rock with some larger rock gardens along the route, with some steps in excess of 10". There are areas where rutting is present and slightly off-camber with little to no sign of being maintained. The entire route has multiple areas to disperse camp with a few spots having more wide open views than others. Towards the end of the trail, the brush and foliage is dense with some minor overgrowth impeding on the track. Cattle are present and heavy in the area and are slow to move from the roadway. Cell service is excellent after the intersects and weaker in the area where the road is well maintained. Wildlife is also heavy along this track with everything from deer and elk to coyotes, cottontails, and large jackrabbits.

Photos of National Livestock Road

National Livestock Road
National Livestock Road


You'll come across rock gardens obstacles under 12", rutting in soft dirt, some slightly off camber, and dense brush impeding on the trail.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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