Hawk Eye

Total Miles


487.73 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

Hawk Eye starts off easy like a dirt road. Once you pass the intersection with Black Mamba, it becomes more difficult. You will come to steep grades downhill if accessing from Ranch Road. A vehicle with 4WD and low range is recommended. Due to water erosion and use, some areas are rutted out and off-camber. When you come to the end, there is a split in the trail; both directions will lead you onto Moab Hill. If you choose the left side, there are rock ledges you will need to get over. There is a tree that could cause body damage if taking the left line. If you choose the right line, it will lead you straight out to Moab Hill with no obstacles.

Photos of Hawk Eye

Hawk Eye
Hawk Eye


This trail has a higher rating due to the more difficult line where you exit onto Moab Hill. This line ends with several variations of rock ledges to climb. There is also a tree that could cause body damage. Up to that point, the trail is more of a 3 rating. You can expect steep grades. There are areas that are rutted out and will have you off-camber. You will also come to various mud puddles along the way depending on recent rainfall.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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